2024 Winners and Sponsors

Chilly at the Lodge

ICS Traditional Red Chili

ICS Homestyle Chili

ICS Chili Verde Chili

ICS Vegetarian Chili

People's Choice Chili

Community Youth Chili

Community Adult Chili

* Prior to Chilly at the Lodge, the first place ICS Chili Verde winner was qualified to attend the World Championship Chili Cook-off, so Jonathan's second place win has qualified him for attendance in this category.

** As a prize for winning first place in the Community Adult category, Peyton's Cookers were invited to complete as an ICS cook in the Yellow Rose of Texas cook-off the following day.

Yellow Rose of Texas

ICS Traditional Red Chili

ICS Homestyle Chili

ICS Chili Verde

ICS Vegetarian Chili

*** Prior to Chilly at the Lodge, the first place AND second place ICS Chili Verde winners were qualified to attend the World Championship Chili Cook-off, so Sarah's second place win has qualified her for attendance in this category.

Billy Cauthen

City of Huntsville Tourism Board

City of Huntsville

Arts Commission


Scouts BSA Troop 1934

Huntsville Kiwanis Club

Mr. Todd Christian

Mrs. Kay Mitchell